It is customary for a bunch us of desi Gators to meet up daily at midnight to socialize over some hot chai and cookies, and some of us have become very good pals. The discussion on my last post got really heated last night, with passions flaring up and heating the chai further.
I'd like to clrify certain things here and comment on a few things-
1) I am NOT anti-hindi. I speak with many of my friends in the language. I believe Hindi must be spoken by all to have a common medium of communication. All I am opposed to is making the laguage compulsory in schools and denying people the lawful freedom of choice prescribed in our constitution.
2)People will learn Hindi if there is a need to. Tams that have settled in the north or do business in the north are highly conversant in Hindi. It ends up being a survival tool which they acquire in due course of time
3) For 60 years after Independence, the south, especially Tamil Nadu, hasn't suffered politically, culturally, socially or economically as a resullt of not speaking Hindi. If anything, the rowdy politics aside, TN is a prosperous and thriving economy, and contributes greatly to the welfare of the country.
To quote from a Government of India census-
Tamil Nadu has the highest level of urbanisation (43.86%) in India, accounting for 6% of India’s total population and 9.6% of the urban population. and is the second most industrialised state in India.Services contributes to 45% of the economic activity in the state, followed by manufacturing at 34% and agriculture at 21%. Government is the major investor in the state with 51% of total investments, followed by private Indian investors at 29.9% and foreign private investors at 14.9%. Tamil Nadu has a network of about 110 industrial parks and estates offering developed plots with supporting infrastructure. Also, the state government is promoting other industrial parks like Rubber Park, Apparel Parks, Floriculture Park, TICEL Park for Biotechnology, Siruseri IT Park, and Agro Export Zones among others.
If anything, we have BMW, Nokia, Dell, Flextronics, Saint Gobain, Hyundai, TVS and so on, continuing to succesfully do business with a people in their native tongue, . Where in the union do you see IT businesses flourishing the way they do in the south?
4)Migration from the north continues happening in TN. Personally too, my immediate circle of friends is composed of Punjabis, Marwaris and UPites. Many of my friends, 25 years after being here, can't speak the local language- which I think is weird.
5)If the same yardstick is to be applied to religion, lets have Islam and Christianity as secondary religions in our country, considering that 80% of the country has different gods and a different way of life. There wont be any communal tension.
6) Leave India the way She is. Her beauty lies in her diversity.
வாழ்க தமிழ்,
வளர்க தமிழ்.