Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Man and his name

This is the real story behind my name. One of Amma's cousins suggested I be named for this Vaishnavite deity in Kanchipuram.

Yes, I was originally Deepaprakash. That is one Tamil word right there - until things HAD to change.

I was in me pre-preparatories in Gitanjali, Hyderabad. The teacher was a certain Mrs. Bajaj, a Punjabi lady who probably didn't know languages besides English and Hindi. On the other hand, Amma is as militantly Tamil as they get, schooled for the most part in Tamil. I was caught in the melee.

The Bajaj lady couldn't get Deepaprakash right, and she conveniently transmuted it to Deepa Prakash.  Amma's fixation with keeping things the way they are precipitated a rather disastrous situation for me. For the school concert later that year, Deepa was stitched a goddamn skirt. That's when Deepaprakash "Deepa" Mohan became the legendary Deepak Prakash Mohan.

Appa hates that cousin of Amma's with everything he has and hasn't. When he figured it was he that gave me my name, he contemplated changing my name all over again.

Stuff happens...


PS: I stood at the back that day. No pictorial evidence exists of that calamitous event. At least, none that I know of


Kay said...

Nice way to say you're a transgender!! Be proud I say! Don't hide behind the so called shame! We live in a vastly more understanding society today. Come out, come out... wherever you are!!! :P

Maximum Inc. said...
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